The more we learned about Greenwich Village, the more intriguing the whole area became. I noticed a historical marker located on a street corner right before we left and it seemed to sum it up much better than I could say. So I went back early the morning we were leaving with a paper and pen and wrote it down word for word. Here's what it said:
"One of the biggest and most irregularly defined historic districts, Greenwich Village contains architecture from many periods of history and it is a world wide byword for artistic achievement and bohemian lifestyle. A separate village in the 18th century, the area boomed after NY residents fled the 1703 yellow fever epidemic raging on the island's southern tip. The grid iron plan for growth of Manhattan, developed in 1811, marched around the village's irregular street pattern.
Many of the 19th century red brick Federal style, Greek Revival and later Italianate style buildings remain with insertions of late 19th century tenements. Pre- WWII apartment buildings thrust through the low rise domestic skyline in places.
Discovered as a low rent haven before WWI, the Village has been home ever since to artists, to writers, and today it attracts theatre and media celebrities as well."