Sunday, July 4, 2010

Smile You're on Candid Camera

Ok, I am really getting shameless here. I go in a camera store and start taking photos! But really, when is last time you went to a store that serviced you thru a CONVEYER BELT that went over two floors!! First, you go to camera department, then you get in a "Que" line. When it is your turn, a speaker in a dome overhead directs you to one of 55 Stationswhere a person helps you get what ever you need (it is all behind the "counter") Then he puts your stuff in a tote box that goes on a conveyer belt downstairs. THEN you go pay for your stuff. THEN you present your receipt at another counter where your stuff has miracously arrived during the time it took you to go pay. The store is HUGE. It was an EVENT.

B&H Camera. I needed a remote control for my camera to take firework photos. The store is Jewish owned. We actually went on Saturday, and learned they close at 2:00 Friday and re-open on Sunday. You have to admire their faithfullness to their religion. No telling how much money they lose not being open on Sat.