Hard to believe, but our time here is soon going to end soon...Like it's going...going... GONE!!
Over the weekend, we made a list of things we wanted to be sure to catch before we left. So Monday afternoon was a "hodgepodge" of things off our "To Do" List.
After the organ gig at the cathedral, we did the following:
Paid homage to John Lennon by stopping off at Dakota apartments & "Strawberry Fields" in Central Park. Basically, there is simply this "Imagine" medallion in the sidewalk. What made an impression on us here: its been so many years since he died, and yet, SO many people still gather there, pretty amazing...there were probably at least 50 people there when we stopped by.
Took in Bethesda Terrace, Loeb Boathouse, and Naumburg Bandshell at Central Park. We are so glad we went back to CP today. (for the 3rd or 4th time!!) We had been really "underwhelmed" by CP before today. The size of the park was certainly impressive from day 1, but in many ways the park and people watching didn't meet our expectations. But today we changed our mind! Finally, we see a part of the park that is on the scale and significance of some of the great parks we saw in Paris!! Being serenaded by an acapella group stationed at the Terrace just "upped" the atmosphere.
Gawked at the lifestyles of the rich and famous at the Plaza Hotel. Flanking the front entrance were a Rolls Royce and very slick Lamborhin. That gets your attention! The inside was beautifully decorated-chandeliers, intricate paneling and understated elegance rule the day. The shopping level included "Couture" fashions, 100% leather golf bags, and a very lively food cellar. They were serving "tea" in the terrace dining room - only a mere $44 PP. (we passed) But it was fun to check out the ladies that "tea" (plus a few well behaved story-book-looking children.
Were entertained by windows at Bergdoff's. They are famous for their very artistic windows displays and I wasn't disappointed. While standing there, we also saw this Mercedes travel bus (like the ones that take you to parking lot at airport --but it was a black MERCEDES with tinted windows) pull up to the curb. A chauffeur came around and opened the door for these 3 very snooty-looking lady shoppers to disembark. He made arrangements to pick them up later. No telling what they paid for this "shopping service", and how many stores were on their "hit list". But the van was BIG enough to get a really, really, huge haul home. What a life. What recession??