Friday, July 9, 2010
Fashionable Bryant Park
The more city parks we go to, the more I think the appropriate way to describe them is "ALIVE". NY'rs seem to cherish the opportunity to be outside. They appear to value a chance to enjoy the fresh air, and the vibrant atmosphere. Bryant Park is in the center of mid town. It evokes a feeling reminiscent of European parks, built in a "square". The park has a center rectangle of grass and is surrounded by trees standing on guard around the edges. It incorporates several bars, a nice bistro, sidewalk cafes, and a carousel. It has a very sophisticated "uptown" park.
I am surprised to find the guidebooks say Bryant Park used to be known as "needle alley". Drug deals and used needles were what you would have found back in the 70's. The NYC we see is clean, teaming with energy, and safe. As the banking industry and economy soared in the 90's, the streets and landscape of NY have become a place you want to be a part of. Some call it "gentrification", but as an observer, I just find NY a place where you can enjoy "just being".
On Summer Mondays nights they show movies in the green space. It hasn't worked out for us to be there on a Monday night, but seems like a very NY thing to do.