The World Cup is a BIG deal here. It has been going on ever since we got here. This photo shows a little "to go" restaurant down the street from us, who has set up a big screen TV in their front window. Every time we walk by there are lots of people standing around cheering for their team. You will notice that the crowd spills out from the sidewalk, and they have actually put a blue barricade in the street to keep the taxi drivers from plowing the spectators down! Last week we were at a midtown pub around 2:00 and noticed all the guys in ties watching the TV's. (ALL TV's I've seen in bars are tuned to WC) Got me to wondering why they weren't at the office. Only thing I can figure was there were lots of Blackberries laying around, so guess they took the office with them to the pub!!
EVERY day, multiple times a day, we hear people talking foreign languages. At first we thought it was maybe tourists, but one tour guide told us appx 50% of people in NY speak language other than English, and they estimate 600+ languages/dialects are spoken here. Makes you feel NYC is a WORLD unlike any other.