Thursday, July 8, 2010

Daytime Gallery Stroll; Nighttime Doo Wap Harmony

Today was fun. Chelsea's claim to fame is its huge number of galleries. For block after block, old warehouses have been converted into artist lofts and galleries. Since I've taken a couple photography classes in the past year, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to see what the photography "pros" are doing. So I got a gallery guide, and circled my top picks. What a variety we saw--we did 6-8 galleries in just a 4 block area. From French garden impressionist photos, to National Geographic award-winning historical photos, to gritty street scenes -- each was interesting in its own right. Regardless of whether you love the work or not, you have to be impressed with the breadth of offerings available to take in. In fact, according to Mayor Bloomberg, NYC houses over 150 museums and 500 galleries.

After Pizza at Johns (we wanted to be sure to get there AGAIN before we leave) we headed over to Washington Square Park. It is a #1 people-watching spot and there are always several various street performers there to entertain you!! This group of black singers were worthy of the enthusiastic crowds they drew. The "shag" songs, Shirelles, doo wap stuff in acappela (with only a base in the background) was SMOOTH!!!! You kept thinking you'd leave....after you heard just one more! And the views of the park and the Empire State Building thu the Washington Arch provided the perfect setting for a laid back evening.