It is becoming evident there is a lot more liberal thinking here than I am accustomed to being around. Its interesting, and I like being exposed to it. But at the same time I find it surprising that in the grounds of St. John Cathedral, there is a sculpture called a "symbol of peace" using figures inspired by Christianity, Judaism, and molecular biology.
Nevertheless, I'll have to say that I really studied this sculpture from all angles, several times, and for a longer amount of time than any other sculpture I remember seeing before.
The artist is Greg Wyatt and he says "The piece is an allegory of peace, with a battle between good and bad, symbolized by the archangel Michael and Satan." Other symbols include a smiling sun and moon, nine giraffes (the "peaceful" animal), a lion and a lamb. All the symbols rest on the back of a huge crab which Wyatt called a symbol of evil. The entire sculpture rests atop a double helix, the structure of the DNA molecule, the so-called building block of life.